With All Due Respect, Mayor Tony – We Don’t Agree

The city of Toronto will still be in lockdown, as sanctioned by Mayor John Tory upon Dr. Eileen de Villa’s request – and the people are displeased, to say the least.
Given that the lockdown has had a devastating effect on small business owners closing shop, the community urges a re-opening. This chorus favors businesses to start re-establishing, and progress should once again be worked on, not left on the shelf.
Other cities in the United States with reasonably urban developments and large populations are now releasing the lockdown with more safety protocols. This approach seems more appealing to the people of Toronto. If they can do this for weeks without a fall-out, why shouldn’t Toronto take the same leap?
With the number of hospitalizations, the death count, and COVID-19 cases going down, a lockdown lift seems altogether a feasible idea. The communities are more expressive of their suffering, and they don’t want to endure more. That said, it’s safe to say that a significant fraction of Toronto disagrees with their mayor’s decision.